WordPress Plugins


The Bogo plugin allows each WordPress blog user to choose their locale for the admin panel. This is a particularly useful feature when you manage a blog with authors who use different languages.


Bogo adds an extra drop-down menu for locales in each user Profile Settings page. You can choose from the options and switch your locale setting.

Bogo screenshot

Note that you need language (.mo) files installed beforehand. See Codex if you are not familiar with it.

Bogo (母語) means “mother tongue” in Japanese. This Bogo plugin is an updated version of my old Tam-mothertongue plugin.

Bogo プラグインはユーザー個別のロケール選択機能を提供する WordPress プラグインです。異なる言語の複数のユーザーが編集するブログを管理している場合に特に便利でしょう。


Bogo を有効化するとプロフィールの設定ページにロケールのドロップダウンメニューが追加されます。これを選択することで自由にロケールを変更できます。

言語ファイル (.mo) は事前にインストールする必要があるので注意してください。よくわからない場合は Codex を参照してください。

なお、この Bogo プラグインは Tam-mothertongue の改訂版です。

12 replies on “Bogo”


I discovered Bogo just now and realise that it will solve a problem for me.

However, I encountered a problem… I have a Swedish WP blog (with swedish mo and po files in the /language folder) but I also want the English admin locale for English speaking users.
How do I do it?
I eventually found English .mo files but putting them in the /language folder result in this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in ./wp-includes/user.php on line 179

Hans, you can choose English without installing English .mo file. English is the default locale for WordPress, so it is treated differently.

The fatal error you saw is probably caused by conflicts between Bogo and other plugins (or themes). I’ve seen the same errors when developing.

I have been playing with the code of your fantastic plugin for the last 14 hours too proud to ask.

But I am beat :)

Is there an adjustment I could make, without having to change anything in /wp-config, to get your plugin to read mo files from a specific directory.

I have got it reading the mo files in the directory by changing.

$locale_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/plugins/bogo/locale’;

But when I select a language and save changes it just reverts to en_US or whatever is defined in WP_LANG_DIR

Please help if you can.

Many many thanks.



I think I’d love this plugin if is was working on WP 2.8.

I tried installing it on WP 2.8, hoping that it would work even with the new version of WP.

But after installing it, I have white page, and it’s not possible anymore to access the administration. So I had to delete the Bogo file from my server.

Will you update Bogo ? Would it be easy or difficult to give the possibility to users to choose their language when registering ?

Thank you


Raphael, thanks for letting me know that. I thought it could work on WP 2.8.

I found a small issue it was possible to cause such cases you wrote. I’ve fixed it and release it as Bogo 1.1. Please try it again and tell me the result.

Hi again

Thanks to Bogo, it’s possible to choose the language of administration.

Some plugins, like the meta plugin for the sidebar, are affected by the language chosen in Bogo.

But some plugins keep the language of wp-config.

Is there a way to change the way plugins react ? Can I easily change plugins in order they point to the language of Bogo instead of wp-config ?

For example, I use the plugin nggallery for adding pictures. Nggallery’s language is connected to WPLANG. So, even if I change the language in the administration, nggallery keeps language of wp-config.

Is there a solution ?

Thank you


Hi Friend! this plugin is really great and worked with WP 2.9.1 but after the upgrade to 2.9.2 it not working.
could you please help me.



I’m using WP 3.0.5.
It’s working, no problem.


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