WordPress Plugins

Really Simple CAPTCHA

Really Simple CAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA module intended to be called up from other plugin. It was originally created for my Contact Form 7 plugin, and is now an independent, stand-alone plugin.

If you are a WordPress plugin developer and are considering putting a simple CAPTCHA into your plugin, this would be a good choice.

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A Note for Contact Form 7 Users

Note: You will need this Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin installed on WordPress if you use CAPTCHA with the next (Version 1.9.4) and subsequent releases of Contact Form 7. If you don’t use CAPTCHA, you don’t have to do so.

The key reason why I’ve separated the CAPTCHA module out is to solve current problems related to the automatic upgrading of the plugin; I often receive trouble reports of failed automatic upgrades from Contact Form 7 users.

I’m guessing that the cause of the problem is in the CAPTCHA module itself. The CAPTCHA module includes font files which are relatively large binary files. It doesn’t normally cause any difficulty on most hosts; however, in some specific environments it is possible that they may cause problems.

To reduce the risk of failing automatic upgrades of Contact Form 7, I have extracted the CAPTCHA module to stand as an independent plugin. As the frequency of updating the CAPTCHA module is much less than the frequency of updating Contact Form 7, it will be less frustrating for you, even if you continue to have trouble when you upgrade the CAPCHA module.


See also: Tips for troubleshooting Really Simple Captcha issues


Really Simple CAPTCHA は別のプラグインからコールされることを意図して作られた CAPTCHA のモジュールです。元は Contact Form 7 用に作ったモジュールですがこの度スタンドアロンのプラグインとして独立させました。

もしあなたがプラグインの開発者で、自分のプラグインに簡単な CAPTCHA 機能を組み込みたいなら、これを使うと便利かもしれません。

Contact Form 7 をお使いの方へ

お知らせ: 次期バージョン (1.9.4) 以降の Contact Form 7 で CAPTCHA を使用する場合にはこの Really Simple CAPTCHA プラグインのインストールが別途必要になります。CAPTCHA を使用しない場合は必要ありません。

現在、Contact Form 7 のユーザーから「プラグインの自動アップグレードに失敗する」という報告を頻繁に頂いています。CAPTCHA モジュールを分離したことの隠れた真の理由はこれの解決にあります。

自動アップグレードに失敗する原因のひとつとして考えられるのは、CAPTCHA モジュールで同梱使用しているフォントファイルが大きすぎることです。たいていのホストでは問題なく処理できる大きさではあるのですが、一部の環境で問題を生じる可能性は否定できません。

Contact Form 7 の自動アップグレード時の失敗リスクを軽減するために、CAPTCHA モジュールをパッケージの外に出すことにしました。CAPTCHA モジュールを更新する頻度は Contact Form 7 を更新する頻度と比べてずっと低いですので、あるいは今後も CAPCHA モジュールのアップグレード時につまづくことがあるかもしれませんが、それでも今よりイライラの回数は減るはずです。


  • CAPTCHA が機能しません。画像が表示されないのです。

    Really Simple CAPTCHA は GD および FreeType ライブラリを必要とします。それらがサーバーにインストールされていることをサーバー管理者にお問い合わせください。

    それから、一時ファイルが置かれるフォルダが書き込み可能になっていることを確認してください。一時ファイルのフォルダの位置は ReallySimpleCaptcha クラスの tmp_dir インスタンス変数の値で指定されます。この設定は呼び出し側のプラグインの設定により異なるので注意してください。例えば Contact Form 7 は通常 wp-contents/uploads/wpcf7_captcha を一時フォルダに使いますが、WordPress の設定によっては別のフォルダが使われます。

180 replies on “Really Simple CAPTCHA”

Just stopping by to say thank you for this plugin. I always use it for forms etc.

Thanks a lot and keep on going

Thank you for the captcha and contactform 7. As a new user to wordpress, I have found this the easiest off all the plug ins to use so far.

Is there anyway the the numbers and text box for the entry can be aligned better ? either side by side or under each other ?

Apart from that, BRILLIANT !!


Hi, using this on a clients site at the moment and we had some success in stopping spam being submitted but over the weekend we have received 10+ spam contacts. Are there any recent issues relating to this plugin?

Thank’s for the captcha and for the contact form 7. We are using in in our site. It’s quick and efficient solution, Without the captcha we get a lot of spam, but after the installation the spam stops.
The solution of the contact form 7 is a great way to collect leadsץ

I use this plugin but at starting I get the error but after replace same captcha code which is shows by plugin its working fine.

Thanks for sharing us…

Hi, thanks firstly for this great little plugin for WordPress and CF7. Can you please verify and update status of plugin to confirm that ti works with WordPress 3.2.1. We are using this as part of our corporate website and I would like to know it works before we update our site to WordPress latest version.

Thanks again.

Honestly I tried everything with this plugin and Form 7 made sure GD was enabled and Freetype and folder permissions had write permisssions. The Captcha images just don’t show. If your using WordPress 3.0 and above just forget messing around with this plugin and use the Quiz feature with Form 7.

not sure how you can call this “Really Simple” because that is exactly what it is NOT. even your “how to install” doesn’t say how to use it for anything other than Contact7.

you should call this “Too Tricky To Mess With CAPTCHA”.

Hi there i love this plugin, great work. I just noticed that my captcha willn’t work now, for some reason it has just stopped validating now. I tried uninstalling it and installing it again but still no luck, any ideas?

thank you very much for your very nice captcha. I am using on every new site that I design.
Can you suggest me that how could I get more elegant and with more colorful letters or the like, captcha images on my website ( in your plugin…

This is a nice plugin. One small request would be to allow in the preferences a choice of background IMAGE, as well as the text and background color options.

Hello !

Very nice pluggin, perfect with contactform7. It seems to have an issue on Android browsers though : sometimes the captcha image doesn’t show (instead a blue question marks appears, which is what the browser does if it doesn’t find the path to the image).

Anyone else is having the issue ? Any fix ?

Thanks !

Hi, how can i use Really Simple CAPTCHA with Slick Contact Forms? is this possible?

can help me please?

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